Level “C” (Adult, Child and Infant) with AED and Public Access Defibrillation

First aid has traditionally been taught entirely within the classroom, but people learn in different ways and at different speeds. This approved Blended eLearning Standard First Aid with CPR & AED course has been designed so that you can complete it at your own pace, in your own time. Not only will you learn more effectively but you will also have more fun learning.

This course has two components:

  • An online first aid theory component (4-5 hrs)
  • A classroom based first aid practical skills component (4-5 hrs)

Once you have completed your online component, you are ready for your practical training. You will book the Practical Training session, thirty (30) days prior to the Practical Training, on-line access code will be issued to the client. At the practical training session, an accredited instructor (Paramedic) will be able to answer any questions that you have as a result of the theory course and will then demonstrate a number of first aid techniques including: emergency scene management, and treatment for shock, unconsciousness, fainting, adult choking, severe bleeding and much more. Participants attending the Practical Training will be given a recap quiz to review everything that was covered online. The Practical Training day can be completed in just half a day!

PRICE: $130.00 +hst
Per person, based on a class size of 10 minimum

Certificate of completion:

Participants who successfully complete the Blended Learning course will receive a Standard First Aid, CPR & AED certificate. This blended Learning First Aid certification is valid for three (3) years.